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04 Oct 2019

The Remaining Quota Often Forfeited? Calm Down, Use Indosat and Make Your Remaining Quota Can Be Accumulated

Desk: IM3 Ooredoo Presents DATA ROLLOVER that can make you continue to use the remaining quota in the following month, without additional costs.


Some reasons can make someone choose their decision to take phone credit. For example, a student that needs to watch streaming videos will select a provider that can give him an extra YouTube quota. But, if you are an employee that needs to call many people frequently or has an online meeting, free calls quota will be required.

Indosat is one of the best phone credits providers that will give you some extra benefits. Do you know about Data Rollover Indosat? It’s a service from Indosat that will make your remaining quota you accumulate for the month after.

IM3 Ooredoo Presents DATA ROLLOVER

So, this data rollover will make sure that you will have a Freedom Combo package and the Unlimited package. With data rollover, you can subscribe to large internet quota packages without fear of remaining scanned quota.

You can continue to use the remaining quota in the following month, without additional costs. You can save the remaining quota for one year. So, you can continue to use the remaining allowance you have paid. Of course, that’s very important for everybody, right? Not only that, here are some benefits that will you have when you choose data rollover.

Free Calls to All Operators

The first benefit that will you have is an open call to all operators. If you need to call many people at work, at school, or your family, you can choose this package.

Internet Package

The internet package for customers from Im3 is very satisfying. Data rollover will obtain automatically if the customer extending Internet Packages (specifically Freedom Combo packages and Unlimited Packages).

Not only that, data rollover will be obtained soon if the customers repurchase the package before the active period ends (rebuy) at the same or a more excellent price.

Without Register

Do you wish to have a phone credit that doesn’t need a register? If you feel so, you can make it with Im3. Internet package from Im3 is very cheap, and you don’t need to register. So, you can use that anytime and anywhere.

Many Choices

If you want to buy data rollover, three choices can you choose. Here are the alternative

Unlimited Package

For someone who loves songs, now you can be even more satisfied with enjoying your favorite songs and playlists. You are free to access Joox without limits, YouTube, Spotify, and all popular applications. The price is meager, start from Rp 5.000. So, this package is genuinely unlimited, like no other.

Freedom Combo

There are four choices of Freedom Combo package. Start from Rp 65.000, Rp 100.000, Rp 150.000, to Rp 200.000. So, you can choose which one do you like the best.

Freedom Internet

Freedom Internet is a package that will give you some internet quotas with many other facilities. You can browse millions of website that will help you with your work. Not only to work, but the internet package can also help you to entertain yourself too.

So, you can buy data rollover immediately, because it’s the right choice for all of the customers. Take the excellent benefits from it and enjoy your life with unlimited quota.