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Home » Blog » cara-mudah-video-conference-bagi-perusahaan
22 Jun 2017

Easy Way to Use Video Conference for Corporation


Hello, Kongkowers! Have you known that this time Kongkow Conferencing launched new product, video conference Indonesia? Kongkow Conferencing released video conferencing because of a lot of demand from companies and government agencies who need to use video conferencing.


Video conference is a service which facilitate a meeting between two or more parties, who are in the different location, by using internet network so they can communicate face-to-face. In this day and age, video conference will save time, and also simplify collaboration between company’s branches. Integrated communication between video and audio will ease long distance communication—which has been what company needs lately.


How to use video conference from Kongkow Conferencing?


  1. Subscribe to Kongkow Video Conferencing
  2. Choose package according to your needs
  3. Kongkow Team will give PIN to use in video conference
  4. Schedule video conference
  5. Then the leader and participants of the meeting join the video conference, via their own computer or handphone, in the predetermined time. Use the PIN given from meeting leader.


It’s easy to use video conference service from Kongkow Video Conferencing, isn’t it? Because Kongkowers don’t need to buy or invest any tool to use video conference, since you only need to provide enough internet bandwidth, and Kongkow Conferencing will give PIN to you. If your internet connection isn’t stable, you can buy SmartFren MiFi, or use audio conference to join in teleconference. This is one of the plus points of Kongkow Conferencing, because participants of video conference and audio conference can join in one room.


If you want to know more about video teleconferencing service, Kongkowers can contact us at (021) 3049-9504 or info [at] kongkow [dot] com. We give two weeks of free trial for Kongkowers who are interested to use Cloud Video Conferencing.






Kongkow Team