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Home » Blog » perkenalan-kongkow-conferencing
12 Mar 2014

Kongkow Conferencing is a conference call application we provide for Indonesian people to make a convenience teleconference with colleagues trough phone calls.

Kongkow Conferencing offers an easy, instant and cost-effective conference call.

Easy, because you only need to register once to get Kongkow PIN and the PIN can be used anytime, by anyone you invite to do teleconferencing.

Instant, because you can hold the teleconference at anytime without the need to make a reservation and does not require additional tools. Simply use a telephone or mobile phone to make calls as usual.

Cost-effective, because using Kongkow Conferencing you will not incur additional charges. Each participant will only have to pay a regular tariff charged by phone operator just like a regular phone call (only applies for the Conferencing Kongkow Basic Package).

Kongkow Conferencing can be used by anyone, whether for personal purpose, family or business needs. Only one PIN, you can invite several people from several different locations to converse together through a telephone line, as if all the participants of the teleconference are in one room. You can save time and money compared to do offline meetings.

For the steps to use Kongkow Conferencing please read here.